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Lydie Heurdier
Histoire de l'éducation, n°159/2023
Regards historiques sur 40 ans de politique d'éducation prioritaire en France (1981-2020)
Historical perspectives on 40 years of priority education policy in France (1981-2020)
Priority education is 40 years old. All actors in urban and rural areas had to mobilize, work in inter-degrees and in partnership to fight school failure. The complexity and diversity of this education policy with a social purpose is reflected in contributions based on local sources.

Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot

Sylvain Doussot, Xavier Pons

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot

Jean-Yves Rochex
Revue française de pédagogie, n°206/2019-2020
Hommage à Viviane Isambert-Jamati
Homage to Viviane Isambert-Jamati
This issue of the Revue française de pédagogie is entirely dedicated to the work of Viviane Isambert-Jamati, who died on November 19, 2019. After a presentation that underlines the originality and fruitfulness of her work, this report brings together nine of her texts published between 1973 and 2005, and which have become difficult to access.

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot